Preventative dental care is actually the most important form of dentistry offered by any Prospect dental clinic. Stopping a serious problem before it happens should be the goal of any healthcare professional, and dentists are no different. Preventative care can combat tooth decay, gum disease, and even catch deadly issues. Having a regular checkup with your local Prospect dental clinic can only benefit you as a patient. In this article, we’ll go through some of the more important preventative dental methods we use and what we recommend.

Catching gum disease

Catching gum disease before it goes into full swing is a huge benefit for those affected. Gingivitis is one of the more common diseases we see, which can show a few symptoms. Dark red and receding gums can be the first indicator, with extreme sensitivity and easy bleeding as other symptoms. This dental problem can actually make its way down to affect other parts of your body too. The bacteria from the disease can enter your bloodstream, potentially causing issues with your heart. This bacteria may negatively affect your heart valves, which inhibits the normal functions of your most important organ.

Routine dental care usually includes one to two cleanings per year. These cleanings consist of teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments and potentially x-rays. Fluoride treatments will help prevent tooth decay and the formation of cavities can be detected by dental x-rays. Catching these issues before they blossom out of control is important.

Topical Fluoride Treatments

Another preventative dental care practice is using topical fluoride treatments. The purpose of topical fluoride treatments is to protect the teeth and gums from becoming stained or otherwise damaged. When applied, topical fluoride will coat the surface of the tooth, preventing further staining and protecting against cavities. The topical fluoride comes in two different forms; a hard coating or a soft layer.

While you’re at it, be sure to have your teeth cleaned by a good oral health professional on a regular basis. Your Prospect dental clinic will be able to provide you with the best care advice and can also provide dental work for your whole family.

Preventative dental care

Preventative dental care isn’t just about brushing your teeth every day and flossing them once a week. Good oral health care includes asking your dentist questions and ensuring that you’re healthy. Having plaque removed and getting rid of tooth decay is only half of the battle; you need to find a preventative dental care specialist to help keep your teeth healthy.

Even children benefit from preventative dental care. Children who brush twice a day and floss once a day have a far lower chance of developing cavities in their first 10 years of life than those who did not practice proper oral hygiene. At the very least, these steps will reduce the chances of major dental procedures that need to be rectified with braces. At the most, they’ll give your teeth and gums a fighting chance to stay healthy. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene and protect your smile for a long time.

For more information on preventive dental care from your local Prospect dental clinic, visit our services page at or call today with any questions at 203-527-3855.